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Facials in Brookings, OR

Facials in Brookings, OR

Skincare problems can be frustrating and demotivating for many people. Despite trying various products and treatments with little success, finding an effective solution can be challenging. At Chetco Medical & Aesthetics in Brookings, OR, we provide a range of medical-grade facials specifically designed to tackle individual skin concerns. With our advanced techniques and high-quality products, we can customize each facial to meet your unique needs. 

Whether it’s acne, fine lines, or dullness, our facials can help rejuvenate and revitalize your skin, leaving you with refreshed and radiant skin. If you’re looking for a facial rejuvenation treatment, Chetco Medical & Aesthetics is the perfect place to discover the benefits of a facial treatment.

What Is a Facial?

Facials are a staple of many skincare routines, but what exactly are they? A facial is a multi-step skincare treatment involving professional cleansing, exfoliation, and extraction techniques. Facials can also be customized to address skin concerns such as acne, wrinkles, and dullness.

Many facials also include massage and the application of serums, masks, and moisturizers to nourish and hydrate the skin. While facials are often seen as a luxurious treat, they can also provide essential benefits for the health and appearance of the skin. By removing impurities and boosting hydration, facials can leave the skin looking brighter, smoother, and more youthful.

What Is Included in Our Facials

Our medical-grade facials are the ultimate facial rejuvenation treatment, offering a powerful combination of premium medical-grade products and tools to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and hydrate the skin. Whether you’re dealing with acne, fine lines, pigmentation, pore congestion, skin firmness, skin texture, wrinkles, or any other skin concern, our customizable facials can help reveal healthier, more radiant skin.

Our facials feature a carefully curated selection of skincare products from industry-leading brands such as ZZO Skin Health, Epionce, and PCA Skin, ensuring the best possible results for your skin. With a perfect blend of relaxation and results, our facials are designed to provide a transformative experience that refreshes and rejuvenates you. Our medical-grade facials are ideal if you’re looking for the best types of facials to care for your skin.

Benefits of Facials

Improved Skin Tone

Facials can help improve skin tone and texture by removing dead skin cells, stimulating cell renewal, and encouraging collagen production. This can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, as well as give your skin a more even tone.


Facials can also help to deeply cleanse your skin by removing dirt, oil, and other impurities that can accumulate on the surface of your skin over time. This can help to reduce acne breakouts and leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


Facials are also great for hydrating dry skin. They can help replenish skin moisture levels, leaving it feeling softer and smoother.


Getting a facial is also a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. The massage-like techniques used during facials can help to soothe tense muscles and promote relaxation in both body and mind.

Improved Circulation

Facials stimulate circulation in the face, which helps to bring oxygen-rich blood flow to the area, resulting in brighter-looking skin with improved skin elasticity over time.

Reduced Stress Levels

The massage-like techniques used during facials have been known to reduce stress levels in both body and mind while promoting feelings of calmness and relaxation throughout the entire body system.

Improved Product Absorption

Having a facial before applying skincare products helps them penetrate deeper into the layers of your skin for maximum benefit because it removes any dirt or oil buildup on your face that may be blocking product absorption otherwise.

Frequently Asked Questions About Facials

What is the recommended frequency for getting facials?

The ideal frequency varies based on your skin type and concerns. However, many individuals benefit from regular facials every four to six weeks to maintain optimal results.

Will facials address my specific skin issues?

Our facials are tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re battling acne, signs of aging, or dullness, our treatments are designed to address a wide range of concerns.

Are there any side effects to be aware of?

Side effects are minimal and typically limited to mild redness or sensitivity, usually subsiding within a few hours. We prioritize your safety and comfort throughout the process.

How long does a facial session usually last?

On average, a facial session with us lasts around 60 to 90 minutes. This timeframe allows for thorough treatment and a serene, enjoyable experience.

Can I wear makeup after a facial?

While giving your skin time to breathe after a facial is advisable, you can usually apply makeup within a few hours. We can provide personalized guidance based on your specific treatment.

Is there any preparation required before a facial?

Minimal preparation is needed. Just arrive with a clean face, free of makeup, and be ready to discuss your skincare concerns with our specialists.

Will I see immediate results after one facial session?

While you may notice some immediate improvements in your skin’s texture and appearance, the full benefits of a facial become more apparent over the following days as your skin rejuvenates.

Are facials suitable for all skin types?

Our comprehensive range of facials caters to various skin types – from oily to dry and everything in between. Based on our consultation, we will recommend the most suitable treatment for your needs.

Get the Highest Quality Skincare Results With Our Facial Treatments in Brookings, OR

At Chetco Medical & Aesthetics in Brookings, OR, our facial treatments are designed to provide rejuvenation and relaxation. We take great care in crafting custom facials that are tailored to your unique skin type and individual needs. Whether you want to improve your skin’s texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, or unwind after a long week, our facial rejuvenation treatments help you achieve your goals. 

Our commitment to science-backed skincare and state-of-the-art techniques ensures you receive the highest quality results. To schedule a consultation or a facial with us, please contact us at (541) 412-9800 or through our online form.

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