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Tone and Tighten Your Appearance With CoolTone

Cool Sculpting Brookings, OR

If you’re struggling to find the right treatment that can help you tone, tighten, and firm your muscles throughout your body, then we at Chetco Medical and Aesthetics have just the thing you need. With our CoolTone treatments, we can help stimulate your muscles using magnetic muscle stimulation to help build muscle mass as well as give you a more refined and toned appearance.


Using sta5te of the art CoolTone muscle stimulation, we provide you with an intense workout without ever having to hit the gym. Helping you achieve the look you want with minimal downtime and without invasive surgeries.

What is CoolTone?

CoolTone is a revolutionary toning technique that helps tighten, tone, and increase muscle mass in various locations throughout the body. The treatment is done in a series of 4 visits and uses magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) that sends electromagnetic energy directly into the muscles.


This process causes your muscles to involuntarily contract, simulating an intense workout without the need to hit the gym. This helps grow mass as well as tightens, firms, and tones the areas treated. With results seen in full 6 months after your initial series of treatments, CoolTone treatments are a great way to help you tone particularly stubborn areas such as the thighs, abs, and buttocks.

What Areas Can CoolTone Treat?

With professionally administered CoolTone treatments, you can enjoy a tighter, firmer, and stronger you in some of the most difficult areas to tone on your own. From your abs to your buttocks, CoolTone technology can help you achieve the look you desire without the need for invasive surgery or long recovery times.


Depending on location and the amount of CoolToning required, results can be seen in some of the more difficult spots to tone with diet and exercise alone. Whether it’s a single treatment or a series of treatments, we work with you to obtain the body that you want with our CoolTone treatments.


When diet and exercise are getting you the results that you want for a flatter, more toned core, CoolTone might be able to help. With CoolTone toning treatments, we can help you achieve a toned look while helping you increase strength and build muscle for your core areas.


Tightening up and toning your thighs is never an easy task to accomplish. While diet and exercise are great, oftentimes it isn’t enough on their own to get you the results that you want. With CoolTone, we can give you that extra push towards a more refined, toned, and stronger thigh area.


CoolTone butt toning can provide you with results that are often similar to that of a butt lift without the need for invasive surgery or procedures. After a series of CoolTone treatments, you can get a tighter and toned buttock that helps boost your confidence.

Your CoolTone Treatments

As always, it’s important to understand your treatment before you decide whether or not it’s right for you. When you schedule your consultation with one of our CoolTone experts, you’ll have the chance to address your areas of concern as well as have any questions answered. This is the first step toward obtaining your newfound toned and tight appearance.


We’re here to help guide you through the CoolTone process every step of the way. From your first consultation to follow-up treatments and recovery, our team has the experience that you can count on for your toning treatments.

Your Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation is the perfect place to have any questions or concerns answered by our CoolTone professionals. We’ll review your areas of concern as well as go over any previous medical treatments or conditions that may interfere with the CoolTone process. This is to ensure that you get the best treatment option that is going to work for you.

The CoolTone Treatment

A typical CoolTone treatment lasts about 30 minutes, with treatments being administered twice a week for 2 weeks for a total of 4 treatments. You’ll sit or lie comfortably while our professionals administer the treatment to the previously discussed areas. While treatments aren’t painful and are non-invasive, it’s normal to feel mild muscle spasms throughout your treatment.

Your Road To Recovery

After your series of CoolTone treatments, you’ll start to notice the results within 2 to 4 weeks with continued gains in muscle mass for up to 6 months. With minimal discomfort and minimal recovery time, many patients are free to resume their daily lives directly after treatment. This includes things such as work, social activities, and even working out, making CoolTone a popular treatment option for those who have busy schedules.

Is Cooltone Right For You?

Cooltone is most effective when used on healthy men and women who are close to their target weights and wish to improve the tone, firmness, and strength of their muscles. While some experience minimal weight loss from CoolTone treatments, CoolTone isn’t designed to be used as a weight loss procedure.


So if you’re healthy and struggling to get a toned and fit look within the abs, thighs, or buttocks, then our certified CoolTone treatments might be just the thing you need. Our treatments can help you put the cherry on top when it comes to obtaining your ultimate toned look.

Refine Your Look With CoolTone

When you’re ready to tone, tighten, and build muscle without hitting the gym, Chetco Medical and Aesthetics is here to help. If you’re ready to find out whether CoolTone treatments are right for you, call us to set up your initial consultation with one of our certified CoolTone experts.

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