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What Results Can You Expect From Juvederm?

juvederm treatment

Have you noticed a growing number of facial lines recently? Have marionette lines, laugh lines, or frown lines grown deeper? Have you recently noticed a loss of volume in your cheeks or lips? If so, Juvederm treatment injections at Chetco Medical & Aesthetics in Brookings, OR may be appropriate for you.

What Results Can You Expect From Juvederm Treatment?

Juvederm treatment was first approved by the FDA in 2006. Since its approval, millions of people around the world have used this injectable to eliminate facial lines, wrinkles, and folds successfully. Today, there are several formulas available and each formula is designed specifically to be exceptionally effective for different cosmetic concerns. For example, Voluma is designed to restore volume to sunken cheeks and lift sagging cheek skin. It can also successfully recontour the cheeks.

Additionally, there are two formulas designed to add volume to the lips. Volbella is ideal if you want a significant volume boost and you have deep lines around your mouth. Ultra is ideal for people looking for a moderate boost in volume. People often opt for this option when they are fairly satisfied with the shape and size of their lips but are concerned about asymmetry. Let’s take a closer look at the results you can expect from this filler.

Rapid Results

Regardless of the formula that will best help you achieve your ideal appearance, you will enjoy immediate initial results. However, it will take a few days to enjoy the final results of your treatment.

Once your session is complete, the injected hyaluronic acid can take a week or two to settle into place. At this point, you can assess whether you need a follow-up treatment. One of the most significant benefits of hyaluronic acid injections is the results become apparent months before the results of collagen treatments.

Durable Results

You can also expect durable results from hyaluronic acid (HA)-based injections. Typically, the ideal results of the treatment last between one and two years. It is advisable to come in for a follow-up session once you notice your results begin to fade. We can administer a smaller dose of HA so your results continue to look flawless and natural.

Natural Results

You can expect the results of your HA injections to look completely natural because hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide produced by your skin. One benefit of this is you don’t have to worry about an allergic reaction because the synthetic HA used to make the injectable is bioidentical. In other words, your skin can’t tell the difference between the injected HA and the HA it produces naturally.

Another reason you can expect natural results from this highly advanced dermal filler is it restores volume by attracting and binding to water already present in your body. Essentially, it turns back the hands of time so your skin has the same levels of HA it did when you were in your 20s. In other words, your skin retains as much water as it did when you were in your 20s so you look naturally young and beautiful and your skin is plump, smooth, and healthy.

How Does HA Work?

HA has many functions. One of its functions is attracting and binding to water. This leads to hydrated, plump, elastic skin. The less HA the skin produces, the drier and more wrinkled the skin becomes. This is because a lot of your skin’s volume comes from the water present in the skin. Upon injection, the HA attracts an incredible 1,000 times it’s weight in water molecules.

The extra water that travels to and remains in the treated area leads to your skin looking hydrated. The volume boost provided by the extra water results in your wrinkles being filled in and disappearing. The hydration also makes your skin more elastic so sagging skin is lifted and your contours are improved significantly.

The Formula Matters

Note, the formula used to target a particular area matters. Some formulas, like Voluma, include HA with a higher molecular weight. Voluma is ideal for treating the cheeks because the cheeks are highly dynamic. Every time you talk, smile, breathe in and out through your mouth, eat and drink, your cheeks move. A thinner formula would be metabolized by the skin in the area very quickly.

However, Voluma is incredibly durable. The high molecular weight means a lot more water is attracted so the volume increase to the area is significant. The patented cross-linking technology used during the manufacturing process means the ideal results will last roughly two years. Thinner formulas are required for thinner, more static parts of the face because the HA spreads widely and evenly throughout the treatment area.

What Areas Can Be Treated With HA?

As stated previously, there are several areas that can be treated with hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. The areas most commonly targeted for treatment include:


What Can I Expect During Treatment?

You can expect your dermal filler treatment to be quick and completely painless. The Juvederm treatment formulas we use include a bit of lidocaine. This numbs the targeted area in seconds so you will only feel slight pressure when the first injection is made. If you are wary of needles, we can apply a topical anesthetic to your skin before the first injection is made so you won’t feel anything during your treatment.

We will discuss whether you would like a topical anesthetic before you schedule your first treatment session. On average, it takes 15 minutes for a topical numbing cream to numb the skin. Your injections will probably take between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the number of areas being treated and the size of the areas being treated. Your treatment may take longer than 30 minutes if you are also receiving neuromodulator injections.

Why Do Facial Lines Occur?

The occurrence of facial lines is a natural result of the aging process. By the time you are 30 years old, your skin produces less collagen and elastin. Collagen is the protein that gives your skin its appearance of fullness. It is common to not notice the effects of reduced collagen and elastin levels because it happens so gradually.

That said, most of us look in the mirror one day and notice that we look older and more tired than we feel. Unfortunately, your skin will produce less collagen and elastin as you age regardless of how you feel. It also doesn’t matter how healthy you are.

Can This Be Stopped?

No, you can’t stop the effects of the aging process. However, there are activities you can avoid to slow the aging process. Although the rate at which you will age is mostly determined by your genes, wearing sunscreen, minimizing alcohol consumption, and refraining from tobacco use ensure you will not accelerate the aging process.

How Else Can Facial Lines and Wrinkles Be Treated?


Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are great for the treatment of lines and wrinkles caused by volume loss. However, lines, wrinkles, and folds can also develop due to hyperactive muscles. These wrinkles are known as dynamic wrinkles because they are caused and exacerbated by repetitive muscle movements. If your wrinkles are dynamic, they can only be treated with neuromodulators.

We offer Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin to relax the hyperactive muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles. When you come in for your initial consultation to determine which Juvederm treatment formulas will help you eliminate wrinkles, we will assess the cause of your aesthetic concerns. If some of your wrinkles are dynamic, we will identify the best neuromodulator to help you achieve your desired look.

A Note on Neuromodulators

What’s great about Juvederm treatment and all of the neuromodulators we offer is they all work very well together. You can receive a neuromodulator treatment at the same time as a dermal filler treatment safely and effectively. In fact, it is common to receive Vollure (a dermal filler) and a neuromodulator treatment between the nose and the mouth.

The deep vertical lines that extend from your nose to your mouth often need to be treated with both a dermal filler and neuromodulator because both static and dynamic wrinkles can develop in the area. In other words, some nasolabial folds are caused by a loss of collagen and elastin in the area. Other nasolabial folds are caused by excessive muscle tension in the area. The results of Vollure in the area will last around 18 months.

How To Prepare for Neuromodulator Treatments

You don’t have to do too much to prepare for neuromodulator treatments due to their non-invasive nature. One of the most important things you should do to prepare for neuromodulator treatments is wearing sunscreen in the two weeks leading up to your session. If there is any skin irritation in the targeted area, such as sunburn, your treatment session must be rescheduled. Another important preparation step is refraining from taking blood thinners, like ibuprofen and aspirin.

You should also stop smoking and drinking alcohol 48 hours before your neuromodulator treatment. Both alcohol and nicotine (a chemical compound in tobacco products) will delay the appearance of the final results. Note, the aforementioned preparation steps are not comprehensive. If we determine during your initial consultation neuromodulators will benefit you, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of instructions.

Good Candidates for Neuromodulator Treatments

We will determine whether you are a good candidate for neuromodulator treatments during your initial consultation. Usually, healthy adults who want to treat moderate-to-severe wrinkles and folds caused by dynamic muscles are considered good candidates. However, we need to discuss your medical history, current health, and the drugs and supplements you are currently taking before we can determine whether this treatment is right for you.

As noted above, you must stop taking certain medications in the weeks leading up to your treatment. If you don’t feel comfortable not taking certain medications, like a sleep aid or muscle relaxant, you may not be considered a good candidate for neuromodulator injections.

Rejuvenate Your Face Today

Juvederm treatment will increase the volume in the areas targeted for the treatment for up to two years. If this sounds like something that would benefit you, contact us today at Chetco Medical & Aesthetics in Brookings, OR to schedule your initial consultation. We will help you choose the best injectables to help you achieve the youthful aesthetic you desire and deserve. We look forward to meeting you soon.

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